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How to Create a Google Ads Landing Page (5 Easy Steps)

How to Create a Google Ads Landing Page (5 Easy Steps) 

Written By: author image Stacey Corrin
author image Stacey Corrin
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.
     Reviewed By: Turner John
reviewer image Turner John
John Turner is the co-founder of SeedProd. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

Do you want to create a Google Ads landing page for your website?

A Google Ads page is a dedicated landing page people visit after clicking your ad campaigns. From there, they can learn more about your products or services and become leads and potential customers.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up a landing page for Google Ads in WordPress.

Table of Contents

Why Do You Need a Landing Page for Google Ads?

Landing pages are important for Google Ads because they can help convert clicks into customers. When someone clicks on your ad, they expect to land on a page that’s relevant to the ad, and if they don’t, they might leave. Effective landing pages can help you get conversions from your Google Ads traffic.

Optin Monster PPC landing page
Example of a Google Ads PPC Landing Page from OptinMonster

Here are some reasons why landing pages are important for Google Ads:

  • Relevance: Customers expect to land on a page that’s relevant to what they saw in your ad. If the landing page doesn’t match the ad, people are more likely to leave without buying anything.
  • Quality score: The experience of a landing page is one of several factors that help determine a keyword’s Quality Score. Other factors include the usefulness and relevance of the information, ease of navigation, and the number of links on the page.
  • Post-conversion experience: Your landing page’s post-conversion experience can help you build trust and keep the conversation going with your customers.

Best Practices for Google Ads Landing Pages

To increase the chances of your Google Ads actually leading to sales, you need to put some effort into your landing pages. It’s not enough to just send people there; the page itself needs to deliver.

There are two major reasons why people might click your ad but not convert on your landing page:

  1. Mismatched messaging: If your ad promises something that your landing page doesn’t immediately deliver, people will leave. Ensure consistency between your ad copy and landing page content, including keywords and the highlighted offer.
  2. Poor user experience: A slow, confusing, or outdated landing page will drive potential customers away. Your landing page should load quickly, be easy to navigate on any device, and have a clear, concise design.

Here are some basic things to keep in mind:

  • Page speed: Slow loading times are unacceptable nowadays. Optimize your page to load quickly, especially on mobile devices.
  • Mobile optimization: Most people browse the internet on their phones. A non-responsive landing page will lead to lost conversions.
  • Simplicity: Don’t overload visitors with unnecessary information. Keep forms short, layouts clean, and navigation straightforward.
  • Consistency: Your landing page should visually connect to your ad, assuring visitors they’re in the right place.
ads landing page message matching
Example of an Ad matching the Landing Page message

Finally, remember to A/B test different versions of your landing page to see what performs best. Regularly analyze and optimize, and your efforts will be reflected in your conversion rates.

How to Create a Landing Page for Google Ads

Now that you know how landing pages for Google Ads work, let’s look at how to make one in WordPress, one of the most popular website-building platforms.

We’ll use SeedProd for this tutorial to build a high-converting WordPress landing page.

SeedProd Drag and Drop WordPress website builder

SeedProd is the best WordPress page builder with drag-and-drop functionality. With 300+ responsive landing page templates, you can make any landing page without coding.

SeedProd also offers tons of elements to build your page visually. With bloat-free coding, the plugin is lightning-fast, ensuring the highest page speeds.

Follow the steps below to create the best Google Ads landing page with SeedProd.

Step 1. Install and Activate SeedProd

The first step is downloading SeedProd and uploading the plugin to your WordPress website.

Then, you need to install and activate the plugin. If you’re unsure how to do that, follow this guide on installing SeedProd.

After activating the plugin, go to SeedProd » Landing Pages from your WordPress dashboard and click on the Add New Landing Page button.

add new landing page SeedProd

Step 2. Choose a Landing Page Template

On the next screen, you’ll see a library of mobile-friendly templates.

Don’t worry if you can’t see any Google Adwords landing page templates. SeedProd’s designs are multipurpose, so you can customize any template to fit your campaign.

SeedProd landing page templates

Click any tabs along the top to filter the templates by page type. Then, when you find a design you like, hover over the thumbnail and click the checkmark icon.

Choose a google ads landing page template

Next, you’ll see a popup where you can add your landing page name and URL. From there, click the Save and Start Editing the Page button to open your design in the visual editor.

Start editing your google ads landing page

Step 3. Customize Your Landing Page

SeedProd’s visual editor has a 2-column layout that’s super easy to use.

On the left are blocks and sections for building your ad page. And on the right is a preview of how your design looks.

SeedProd drag-and-drop landing page builder

You can click anywhere on your preview to edit the existing content. Adding new content blocks is as simple as dragging one from the left and dropping it into place on your page.

For example, you can click a heading to change the text, alignment, heading level, and more.

Edit your google ads landing page text

Or, you can click the call-to-action button to edit the button label and click the Templates tab to choose a completely different button design.

Choose a call to action button template

Want to change the templates’ default image? Click the picture, and choose the trashcan icon on the left to remove it.

Delete the default template image

From there, you can upload a new high-quality image from your WordPress media library or computer.

You can also change the background color of any section by clicking the cog icon. For example, you can select a color to match your branding or hero image with the color picker tool.

Choose a background section color

Earlier, we mentioned dynamic text replacement to personalize your landing page based on different search queries. With the Dynamic Text feature, you can do this for any heading or line of text in SeedProd.

For example, if you target the keywords’ Cyber Monday’ and ‘Black Friday’ for your ad campaign, you can change the heading to reflect those terms on your landing page.

To do that, click the heading, select the Dynamic Text button, and add the keywords from your ad campaign.

use dynamic text replacement on your google ads landing page

Then, when people click through to your site, the text will change based on the term they found your ad with.

You can learn more about this feature in our dynamic text documentation.

Let’s say you want all your landing page buttons to be the same color. In that case, you can use SeedProd’s global settings to change them all completely.

To do that, click the cog icon in the bottom right corner to see global settings for your fonts, colors, backgrounds, and custom CSS.

SeedProd global settings

From there, you can click the Colors tab and add a custom color for all the buttons on your page.

Change global color settings

Continue customizing your landing page until you’re happy with how it looks.

New custom button colors

Expert Tip

Oli Gardner, a globally recognized thought leader on digital marketing and conversion optimization, defines message match as:

Oli Gardner

“A measure of how well your landing page copy matches the phrasing of the ad or link that brought the visitor there.

For PPC marketers, this means matching your ad copy to your landing page headline. Strong message match increases conversions because it reassures people they’ve come to the right place.”

Step 4. Configure Your Landing Page Settings

After designing your Google Ads page, let’s look at a few settings to help you boost lead generation and conversions.

For example, if your page has an optin form to collect email addresses, you’ll want to link it to your email marketing service. So click the Connect tab at the top of your screen to see all the email providers you can integrate directly in SeedProd.

seedprod email marketing integrations

After finding your email service, click it and follow the instructions to connect your account.

You can learn how to connect to individual providers in our email integration documentation.

Now, let’s look at some other settings by clicking the Page Settings tab.

landing page settings

You can edit your page’s name and URL, enter your on-page SEO information, monitor your landing page analytics, and enter custom scripts on this screen.

If you have SeedProd Elite, you can use the Custom Domain feature to give your landing page a unique URL separate from your website. This is an easy way to set up multiple microsites without installing WordPress on each domain.

Don’t forget to click the Save button in the top right corner to store your changes.

Step 5. Publish Your Landing Page for Google Ads

Now that your landing page is complete, you can publish it on your WordPress site. In the top right corner, click the dropdown menu next to the Save button and select Publish.

Publish your google ads landing page

From there, you can click See Live Page to preview your new Google Ads landing page.

Here is the final version of the ads landing page we made on our test website:

Google ads landing page WordPress example

Step 6. Add Your Landing Page to Google Ads

You can add your final landing page to your ad campaign during the creation process. When you’re creating a Google Ad campaign, look for the ‘Final URL’ text field at the top of the page and past your landing page URL.

Adda landing page URL in Google Ads

When you’ve published your ad campaign, visitors will go to your landing page after clicking the ad.

How to Optimize a Landing Page for Google Ads

The ultimate goal of your Google Ads campaign is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Your landing page plays a crucial role in achieving this.

Write Copy That Sells

Your headline should be a showstopper, instantly grabbing attention and communicating the core benefit or solution you offer. Use strong, active verbs and highlight what makes your product or service unique.

Google Ads landing page example

In the body copy, clearly explain how you can solve the visitor’s problem or fulfill their desire. Focus on benefits, not just features, and address any concerns they might have.

Don’t forget to sprinkle in some social proof – testimonials, reviews, or case studies – to build trust and show potential customers that you deliver results.

Design for Success

A well-designed landing page guides visitors seamlessly toward conversion. Use contrasting colors, font sizes, and whitespace to emphasize important elements like headlines, benefits, and CTAs.

Zoho google ads landing page example

Make sure your images and videos are high-quality and resonate with your audience.

Remember, most of your visitors will likely be on mobile devices, so ensure your page is fully responsive and looks great on any screen size. Keep the page uncluttered and focused to avoid distractions.

Optimize Your Calls to Action

Your CTAs are the buttons that drive action, so make them irresistible. Use strong action words like “Get Started,” “Claim Your Offer,” or “Sign Up Now.”

Google ads landing page cta example

Make sure your CTA buttons are visually prominent and placed strategically throughout the page, especially after key information or benefits. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different CTA styles, colors, and placements to see what works best for your audience.

And if you’re using a lead capture form, keep it short and sweet.

Extra Tips to Boost Conversions

Create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers, countdown timers, or low-stock notifications to encourage visitors to act fast.

sales notification on google ads landing page

Display trust signals like security badges or guarantees to put their minds at ease. And don’t forget to create a thank-you page to confirm their action and offer further instructions or relevant deals.

By applying these conversion optimization techniques, you’ll transform your Google Ads landing page into a high-performing asset that consistently generates leads and drives sales for your business.

How to Get More Google Ad Conversions

Creating a landing page is only half the battle won. You need to constantly monitor its performance to ensure it’s converting visitors into customers. That’s where MonsterInsights comes in.

MonsterInsights is a powerful Google Analytics plugin for WordPress that gives you in-depth insights into your landing page’s performance, right inside your WordPress dashboard.

MonsterInsights overview report

Here’s how MonsterInsights helps you increase your Google Ads conversions:

  • Track Your Key Metrics: Easily track crucial metrics like bounce rate, time on page, conversion rate, and more. Understanding these metrics helps identify areas for improvement on your landing page.
  • A/B Test Different Headlines and CTAs: Use MonsterInsights to A/B test different elements of your landing page, like headlines and calls to action, to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Analyze Traffic Sources: Understand where your traffic is coming from and focus your efforts on the channels driving the most conversions.
  • Form Conversion Tracking: Easily track form submissions on your landing page to see how many visitors are converting into leads.

By providing these insights, MonsterInsights allows you to make data-driven decisions that optimize your landing page for maximum conversions.

Don’t have Google Analytics installed on your WordPress website? Check out our step-by-step guide on how to add Google Analytics to WordPress.

To learn more, please see our step-by-step guide on how to install Google Analytics.

FAQs About Google Ads Landing Pages

Does Google Ads allow landing pages?

For now, Google doesn’t have the option to build landing pages in Google Adwords. That said, they allow you to create a landing page experience outside the platform.

For example, you can set up a landing page for your ad in WordPress and link it to your Adwords campaign.

What is landing page vs expanded landing page Google Ads?

A landing page is the specific URL you set in your ad’s “Final URL” field. It’s the page you intend users to land on after clicking your ad. You have full control over the content it displays and can tailor it to match your ad’s message and target audience.

An expanded landing page is the URL where users arrive after tracking parameters or dynamic replacements are applied, like the campaign, source, keywords, etc. While you can set the main landing page, you may not have control over all the variations displayed in the “expanded landing pages” report.

What are the requirements for a Google landing page?

The general Google landing page requirements are:

  • Relevance: Landing page content should clearly match the ad message and target audience. Don’t bait and switch users with irrelevant content.
  • Transparency: Clearly display accurate information about your product or service, including price, terms, and conditions. Don’t mislead users.
  • Mobile-responsive: Ensure your page works seamlessly across mobile devices.
  • Navigation: Make it easy for users to find the information they need and take the desired action (e.g., buying, subscribing).
  • Load speed: A fast-loading landing page is crucial for user engagement and conversion rates.
  • Security: Use HTTPS to encrypt user data and ensure a secure connection.

Create Your First Google Ads Landing Page

We hope this article helped you learn how to create a Google Ads landing page with SeedProd.

With SeedProd, it’s easy to design, build, and launch any page in WordPress without writing code or hiring an expensive developer.

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Stacey Corrin Writer
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

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