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Instapage vs Unbounce vs SeedProd

Instapage vs Unbounce vs SeedProd: 2024 Comparison 

Written By: author image Stacey Corrin
author image Stacey Corrin
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.
     Reviewed By: John Turner
reviewer image John Turner
John Turner is the co-founder of SeedProd. He has over 20+ years of business and development experience and his plugins have been downloaded over 25 million times.

After a decade in content marketing, I’ve seen countless new tools emerge, and page builders are no exception. But after trying my fair share of page builder plugins, I’ve found that many fall short of my three golden rules:

  1. Ease of Use: It needs to be intuitive and efficient.
  2. Essential Features: The tools I need should be readily available.
  3. Budget-Friendly: It has to fit within a reasonable budget.

Fortunately, some page builders get it right. In this comparison, I’ll put Instapage, Unbounce, and SeedProd head-to-head to see how they measure up.

Table of Contents

How I Tested Instapage, Unbounce, and SeedProd

The sheer number of page builders out there can feel overwhelming. But after years of building landing pages for various clients and campaigns, I’ve found that a few key factors always rise to the top:

  • Ease of Use: Time is money, and no one wants to wrestle with a clunky interface. My testing focused on how easily I could create and customize landing pages – all without touching a single line of code.
  • Conversion-Boosting Features: I honed in on features scientifically proven to drive results: A/B testing, mobile responsiveness, and seamless integrations with popular marketing tools.
  • Value-Driven Pricing: A good landing page builder should fit your budget without compromising on the features you need. I paid close attention to the value each plan offers at its price point.

With these criteria as my guide, let’s dive into Instapage, Unbounce, and SeedProd to see how they stack up.

What Is Instapage?

Instapage vs Unbounce vs SeedProd

Instapage helps marketers build landing pages that convert well. You can use their drag-and-drop builder to customize templates or create pages from the ground up – no coding needed.

One of Instapage’s best features is its emphasis on speed. They built the platform for fast loading times. Plus, it includes AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) support, which ensures a smooth user experience on any device.


  • Intuitive Smart Builder: Even if you’re new to landing pages, you can use Instapage’s drag-and-drop interface to make professional-looking designs.
  • Dynamic Text Replacement: Tailor your content to each visitor. You can personalize landing pages based on keywords, ad campaigns, or other factors for a bigger impact.
  • 100+ Customizable Templates: Get a head start on your design. Instapage offers a library of professional templates you can customize.


  • Premium Pricing: Instapage’s plans are more expensive, which may be difficult if you have a smaller budget.
  • Limited Launch Plan: To access some of the more advanced features, you’ll need to upgrade to a higher-priced plan.
  • Restricted Support Hours: Instapage doesn’t offer 24/7 customer support. This could be a problem if you need help outside of business hours.

For more details, please see our Instapage review.

What is Unbounce?


Unbounce is a popular landing page platform known for its powerful features and flexibility. It’s a good fit for marketers and agencies that need to create, launch, and test many landing pages.

One of Unbounce’s strengths is its set of tools for increasing conversions. These tools include A/B testing, dynamic text replacement, and AI-powered features that help you customize content and reach the right audience.


  • No Conversion Limits on Enterprise Plans: If you have high-volume campaigns, Unbounce’s enterprise plans let you have unlimited conversions. You’ll never be penalized for being successful.
  • Instablocks for Easier Section Replication: You can create reusable blocks of content. This saves time and helps you keep your landing pages consistent.
  • Extensive Collaboration Tools: Unbounce makes it easy for teams to work together on landing pages. It includes features for sharing, commenting, and giving feedback.
  • Integrations with Google Analytics, Facebook, and Google Ads: You can easily connect Unbounce to your other marketing tools to track performance and improve campaigns.


  • High Pricing: Unbounce is a bigger investment, and their pricing plans might be too expensive for smaller businesses or solo business owners.
  • Limited Number of Templates: Unbounce has a decent template library, but it offers fewer options than some other platforms.
  • Restricted Functionality on the Business Plan: To use some of Unbounce’s best features, you’ll need to upgrade to a more expensive plan.

What is SeedProd?

SeedProd Drag and Drop WordPress website builder

SeedProd is a landing page plugin and website builder for WordPress. It’s known for being easy to use and having powerful features. If your website is already on WordPress, SeedProd fits right in with your existing setup.

One of SeedProd’s best features is that you can use it for a lot of different things. It’s not just for landing pages – you can also use it to create coming soon pages, maintenance mode pages, sales funnels, and even entire WordPress themes.


  • Easy to use for WordPress users: SeedProd’s drag-and-drop builder feels very natural within WordPress, making it super beginner-friendly.
  • Built-in WordPress Theme Builder: You can create custom WordPress themes from scratch to match your brand.
  • Integration with popular tools: SeedProd works well with your favorite WordPress plugins and marketing tools, including email services, WooCommerce, SEO plugins, and Google Analytics.
  • Affordable pricing: SeedProd offers plans for different budgets, making it a good choice for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Unique Features: Create your own reusable content blocks and landing page templates to work faster.
  • Built-in Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode: Easily put your website in maintenance mode or create a stylish coming soon page while you’re working on your site.


  • Only for WordPress: SeedProd is just for WordPress, so you can’t use it if your website is built on a different platform.
  • Fewer Templates: SeedProd offers a good selection of templates, but they don’t have as many as Instapage or Unbounce.
  • No Theme Builder in the Free Version: You’ll need to pay for a plan to use SeedProd’s theme builder.

Key Differences Between Instapage, Unbounce, and SeedProd

Now that you know the basics of each platform, let’s compare them side-by-side. This table highlights some key differences to help you decide which one is right for you:

EditorPrecise editingIntuitive, quick creationUser-friendly (for WordPress users)
Templates500+ (90+ full pages)100+300+ (customizable)
Special FeaturesGrouping, HeatmapsAI-powered toolsTheme Builder, Coming Soon, Maintenance Mode
Integrations120+100+Works with WordPress plugins & email tools
CollaborationYesYesBasic (within WordPress)
A/B TestingPaid PlansPaid PlansNot available
PriceStarts at $149/monthStarts at $81/monthStarts at $39.50/year

How Do These Landing Page Builders Compare?


Instapage impressed me with its user-friendly design and focus on creating a polished and refined experience.

The first thing I noticed was Instapage’s focus on precision. The platform uses a more structured approach with clear guidelines and snapping points, making aligning elements incredibly easy. As someone who likes pixel-perfect designs, I really appreciate this attention to detail.

Instapage drag and drop grid snapping and guidelines

But Instapage doesn’t stop at precision; it also helps you create visually consistent designs. The platform gives you helpful cues and spacing guidelines to ensure your landing pages look balanced and professional—even if you’re not a designer.

Instapage spacing guidelines

Instapage also makes mobile optimization simple. You can easily switch between desktop and mobile views and adjust your designs for smaller screens.

Instapage desktop and mobile views

Overall, Instapage provides a structured and polished way to design and create landing pages. If you value precision and visual consistency, Instapage is a great option to consider.


Unlike Instapage, my first impression of Unbounce was a bit mixed. While it’s a powerful tool with a lot to offer, there was a bit of a learning curve. It might feel a little tricky for someone who’s completely new to landing page builders.

However, once I built my first landing page, the process became much smoother. I liked Unbounce’s drag-and-drop feature; it felt intuitive and let me put elements exactly where I wanted them without being limited by a grid.

Unbounce drag and drop builder

I did notice a few times when elements snapped into place in a way I didn’t expect, which was a little frustrating and added a couple of extra steps to my design process.

One thing that impressed me about Unbounce was how easy it is to handle search engine optimization (SEO). Unlike some platforms that hide those settings, Unbounce makes it simple to customize SEO titles and meta descriptions for landing pages. This is super important for getting your pages to rank well in search results.

Unbounce SEO settings

I’m happy to report that, like Instapage, Unbounce makes it easy to switch between desktop and mobile views to fine-tune designs for different screen sizes.

Unbounce mobile optimization optitons

Overall, Unbounce has the features and flexibility you need to create high-converting landing pages. However, those quirks I mentioned might make it less intuitive for people who are brand new to designing landing pages. If you have a bit of experience, though, Unbounce is a great tool for boosting conversion rates and optimizing landing pages.


As someone who spends a lot of time in WordPress, I’m always a bit hesitant to add new plugins. But SeedProd has become a staple for me. It fits so well with WordPress that it feels like it’s part of the platform itself.

One of the first things I loved was how easy their drag-and-drop landing page builder is to use. If you’re comfortable using the WordPress editor, you’ll have no problem with SeedProd.

drag and drop page builder seedprod

What really sold me were the custom blocks and templates. Being able to create reusable sections for things like testimonials and pricing tables has been a huge time saver.

SeedProd reusable sections

I’m also really happy with how well SeedProd integrates with WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. Adding products to my landing pages is a breeze, which makes things easier for me and my customers.

WooCommerce product grid example in SeedProd

Honestly, I don’t always have the time to make sure every landing page looks perfect on mobile. Thankfully, SeedProd takes care of that for me. I can publish my landing pages knowing they’ll look great on any device.

SeedPro mobile, desktop and tablet preview options

Overall, SeedProd is a user-friendly and versatile WordPress landing page plugin. It makes creating and customizing landing pages really easy, especially with its custom blocks, templates, and automatic mobile responsiveness.

Instapage Vs. Unbounce Vs. SeedProd: Unique Features


Instapage focuses mostly on design, which I like. Their standout features help you build polished, user-friendly landing pages.

I found the precise grouping and alignment tools really helpful. You can lock aspect ratios to keep your designs consistent across different screen sizes. Plus, Instapage has snapping guidelines to help you line everything up perfectly.

Instapage snapping guidelines

The feature I loved the most was Instapage’s heat maps. I’m all about using data to improve my results, and heatmaps give you extra insights into how visitors actually use your landing pages.

Instapage mouse tracking heatmap example

Seeing where people click, scroll, and move their mouse is super helpful. You can quickly understand what’s working and what’s not. Then, you can make small tweaks that can significantly increase your conversions.


Unbounce has some really smart features, especially when it comes to using AI. Their Smart Builder is a lifesaver when you need to create a landing page quickly. You can drag and drop pre-designed sections to put together a page in no time.

Smart Builder sections unbounce

If you ever have trouble coming up with copy, Smart Copy can help. This helpful tool can write all sorts of copy for you, from catchy headlines to detailed product descriptions. Plus, it works in multiple languages.

Unbounce AI copy assistant

One of my favorite Unbounce features is Smart Traffic. It works behind the scenes to analyze visitor data and then shows each person the version of your landing page that’s performing best. It’s a small tweak that can make a big difference in your conversions without you having to lift a finger.

Smart traffic unbounce


Instapage is great for design, and Unbounce has powerful AI, but SeedProd takes a broader approach. It offers features that streamline landing pages and website management—a huge plus for someone like me who juggles a lot of tasks.

SeedProd’s AI Assistant, in particular, has been a game-changer for me. Need an eye-catching image but don’t have time to search through stock photos? The AI Assistant can create one for you in seconds.

SeedProd image AI assistant

It can also help you generate content, which is great when you’re feeling stuck or need to quickly create different versions of your website copy.

SeedProd AI content generator

Beyond AI, SeedProd also excels with its library of custom blocks. Need a testimonial slider, a pricing table, or a call-to-action button? SeedProd has you covered. These pre-built blocks are easy to customize, saving me a ton of time and helping me maintain a consistent design across my website.

SeedProd pre-made blocks

If you’re building an email list, you’ll love SeedProd’s built-in tools for managing subscribers. You can create forms, organize your subscribers, and even send them to other email marketing tools—all from one place.

SeedProd subscriber management dashboard

My absolute favorite SeedProd feature is Maintenance Mode. I love that I can create stylish coming soon or maintenance pages while I’m working on my website. It’s a small detail that makes a big difference in looking professional online.

Enabling maintenance mode in SeedProd

Instapage Vs. Unbounce Vs. SeedProd: Templates


Instapage says it has over 500 templates, which sounds impressive. However, in my experience, it only has around 100 full landing page templates. This is because many of its templates are for thank-you pages, which are useful but not as complex as full landing pages.

Instapage landing page templates

That said, Instapage still has a good range of templates in different categories, such as:

  • Case study
  • Product sales
  • Event Registration
  • Travel booking
  • Asset download
  • and more.

I like how flexible Instapage’s templates are. You can customize almost anything to fit your brand, which helps your landing pages look unique.


Unbounce focuses on quality over quantity with its templates. They offer over 100 customizable templates organized into helpful categories so you can find the right one for your landing page:

Unbounce landing page templates
  • Industry: (Number of templates)
  • Use Case: (Number of templates)
  • Campaign Goal: (Number of templates)

If you want even more choices, Unbounce works with ThemeForest, giving you access to a huge library of premium templates.

While I like having a good selection, I wish Unbounce offered more free templates directly within their platform.


SeedProd has a fantastic template library with over 300 options. Unlike platforms that only focus on landing pages, SeedProd also includes a bunch of WordPress themes, making it a one-stop shop for designing your website.

SeedProd website kits

SeedProd’s templates are well-organized into these categories:

SeedProd landing page templates
  • Coming Soon Pages
  • Maintenance Mode Pages
  • Login Pages
  • 404 Pages
  • Webinar Pages
  • Squeeze Pages
  • Sales Pages
  • Thank You Pages

Plus, if you’re feeling creative, SeedProd lets you create your own custom blocks and save them as templates – a feature I love!

Save a block in SeedProd

It’s a great way to speed up my workflow and keep my website design consistent.

Can These Page Builders Build at Scale?


Instapage is known for its design tools, but it also has useful features for creating a lot of landing pages. One of the best time-savers is Instablocks, which lets you create and save custom blocks or sections of your landing pages.

Think of Instablocks as building blocks for your pages. For example, let’s say you frequently use a testimonial section or a call-to-action area. Instead of making it from scratch each time, you can save it as an Instablock and then just drag and drop it into any new landing page.

Creating an Instablock to reuse in Instapage

This is really helpful for keeping your branding consistent and working faster. It also makes it easier to copy and make changes to landing pages without having to start over every time – which is super important when you’re managing lots of campaigns.


When you need to create lots of landing pages, it’s important to have the right tools to manage everything efficiently. Unbounce gets this and offers several features that are perfect for teams and large campaigns.

As I mentioned, Smart Copy is a huge help. Being able to quickly generate different versions of headlines, body copy, and calls to action saves so much time, especially when you’re working on multiple campaigns with unique messaging.

Unbounce is also great for collaboration. You can set permissions for different users, organize campaigns into folders, and even manage client accounts – all from one easy-to-use dashboard. This level of control and organization is essential for teams or agencies working with multiple clients.

Working with different users in unbounce

When it comes to managing leads, Unbounce makes it simple to export your data as a CSV file. You can then import this data into your CRM or email marketing platform. This integration with your existing tools is key for managing leads effectively.


SeedProd might seem like a basic WordPress plugin, but it has a lot of features that make it great for bigger projects, especially if you work with multiple WordPress websites.

One of SeedProd’s best features is how reusable everything is. As I mentioned before, custom blocks and templates are amazing time-savers when you’re building many landing pages. But SeedProd doesn’t stop there.

Remember how much I like their theme builder? Well, I can save the themes I create and use them again for other WordPress projects or even for my clients. It saves so much time.

export a WordPress theme in SeedProd

And if I want to copy a landing page or section to another site that has SeedProd, I can just copy and paste it – it’s that easy!

copy and paste sections in seedprod

Even simple things like copying blocks and sections (which I do all the time) are super easy with SeedProd. These little features add up to a much smoother and more efficient workflow, which is essential when you have large projects or manage multiple websites.

Instapage Vs. Unbounce Vs. SeedProd: Integrations

No landing page builder works in isolation. It’s important to have seamless integration with your other marketing tools. Here’s how Instapage, Unbounce, and SeedProd compare when it comes to integrations:


Instapage offers over 120 built-in integrations. While many are the same as other page builders, Instapage includes some unique ones, like Zoho CRM, which is a big plus if you use that platform.

Instapage integrations example

And if you can’t find the integration you need, Zapier can help you connect Instapage to even more tools


Unbounce knows that marketers use a lot of different tools. They’ve done a good job of creating a flexible system for integrations.

With over 100 integrations built-in and compatibility with Zapier, you can connect Unbounce to almost any marketing automation, CRM, or analytics tool out there.

Unbounce integrations

Some of their key integrations include Slack (for instant notifications), Mailchimp (for email marketing), HubSpot (for marketing automation), and Salesforce (for CRM).


SeedProd takes a slightly different approach to integrations. Because it’s built for WordPress, it works well with almost every plugin. Whether it’s a contact form plugin, an SEO tool, or an eCommerce platform, SeedProd will integrate seamlessly.

For email marketing (which is essential for landing pages), SeedProd integrates with all the big names, like Mailchimp, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, and more.

seedprod email integrations

One thing to note is that SeedProd doesn’t have its own A/B testing feature. But that’s not a dealbreaker for me because it integrates with free A/B testing tools like VWO. This gives me the flexibility to run experiments and improve my landing pages without any added cost.

Instapage Vs. Unbounce Vs. SeedProd: Pricing


Instapage pricing

Instapage keeps its pricing simple with two main options:

  • Building Plan: $199/month ($149/month billed annually)
    • Offers unlimited conversions, domains, and some exclusive features.
  • Converting Plan
    • Requires you to contact Instapage for a custom quote (usually more expensive). It includes advanced features and a dedicated customer success manager.

Instapage’s unlimited conversions and domains are a plus, but it’s expensive, which might make it tough for businesses on a budget.


Unbounce pricing

Unbounce offers four pricing plans to fit different needs:

  • Launch: $90/month ($81/month billed annually)
    • Includes 500 conversions, 20,000 visitors, and 1 connected domain.
  • Optimize: $135/month ($122/month billed annually)
    • Includes 1,000 conversions, 30,000 visitors, and up to 5 domains.
  • Accelerate: $225/month ($203/month billed annually)
    • Includes 2,500 conversions, 50,000 visitors, and 10 domains.
  • Concierge: $575/month
    • Includes 5,000+ conversions, 100,000+ visitors, 25+ domains, and a dedicated customer success team.

Unbounce’s pricing can add up quickly, especially if you have a lot of website traffic or want to get a lot of conversions. Those conversion limits might be a problem for some businesses.


SeedProd pricing

SeedProd is very affordable, especially considering all the features you get. They offer four yearly plans:

  • Basic: $39.50/year
    • Includes the drag-and-drop builder, basic templates, and access controls.
  • Plus: $99.50/year
    • Includes email marketing integrations, premade sections, and more templates.
  • Pro: $199.50/year
    • Includes the WordPress theme builder, even more templates, dynamic text, and Zapier.
  • Elite: $239.60/year
    • Includes WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads support, domain mapping, and priority support.

SeedProd is a great deal, especially for WordPress users. Its yearly billing also makes it more budget-friendly than Unbounce and Instapage, which bill monthly.

Which is Best: Instapage, Unbounce, or SeedProd?

After putting these three landing page builders through their paces, the answer is clear: SeedProd is the winner, especially for those who love working in WordPress. Here’s why:

  • Unbeatable Value: SeedProd offers an amazing set of features for the price. You get a powerful landing page builder, a theme builder, tons of integrations, and even AI features—all for a lot less than Unbounce or Instapage.
  • Built for WordPress: If you’re a WordPress user, SeedProd feels like a natural part of the platform. It’s deeply integrated, making it super easy to use with your other WordPress tools.
  • Easy to Scale: SeedProd’s reusable blocks, templates, and themes make it easy to create lots of landing pages and websites without spending a fortune.
  • Helpful AI: While SeedProd might not have as much AI as Unbounce, its AI Assistant is really helpful for things like quickly generating images and content.
  • More Than Landing Pages: SeedProd can do more than just landing pages. You can also create coming soon pages, maintenance pages, and even full WordPress themes. It’s a true all-in-one tool!

Final Verdict: Instapage and Unbounce are both good landing page builders, but SeedProd’s affordability, ease of use, seamless WordPress integration, and overall features make it the clear winner for me.

Over to You

I hope this comparison helps you choose between Instapage vs Unbounce vs SeedProd. After making your decision, check out the following guides to make your landing page a success:

Thanks for reading! We’d love to hear your thoughts, so please feel free to leave a comment with any questions and feedback.

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Stacey Corrin Writer
Stacey has been writing about WordPress and digital marketing for over 10 years and on other topics for much longer. Alongside this, she's fascinated with web design, user experience, and SEO.

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