The Product Content block works on Single Product Templates and allows the display of Product Descriptions for your WooCommerce Products.

Adding the Product Content Block to Your SeedProd Pages
Follow these steps to include the Product Content block on your Product template:
- Go to Design > Blocks > WooCommerce Template Tags > Product Content and drag the Product Content block to the desired section on the page.
- Once added, click on the Product Content block to access its settings. Here, you will find a text field containing the shortcode used by SeedProd to dynamically fetch content for each product. You can also insert additional text below the shortcode, adjust alignment, and customize the font size of the product content.
- In the Advanced tab, explore additional options to enhance your styles, typography, text color, text shadow, spacing, attributes, and adjust visibility across different devices.
- Remember to save your progress to ensure that all your configurations are preserved.
That’s it! By following these steps, you can integrate the Product Content block to enhance the presentation of WooCommerce product descriptions tailored to your design preferences.