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WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

How to Password Protect Your WordPress Site While Under Development

How to Password Protect a WordPress Site While Under Development

This article tells you how to password protect your WordPress website while under development, so that people can bypass your…
how to create a website under construction page in WordPress

How to Create a Modern WordPress Under Construction Page

This article tells you how to add a WordPress under construction page that's beautiful, modern, and will help you generate…
how to put WordPress in maintenance mode

The Easy Way to Put Your WordPress Site in Maintenance Mode

Maintenance pages prevent visitors from seeing a broken site. This tutorial shows how to put WordPress in maintenance mode and…

SeedProd is Now Part of the Awesome Motive Family

Today, I am excited to share that SeedProd is joining Awesome Motive. Awesome Motive is the management company behind the…

Introducing SeedProd Coming Soon Page Pro Version 5

I’m proud to announce the latest version of the SeedProd Coming Soon Pro Plugin, Version 5 (Beta). Version 5 has been…

Tweet to Win a Coming Soon Pro Developer License Winners

On February 13th I started a contest to give away a free Coming Soon Pro Developer License each week to a random tweet.…

SeedProd’s 1st Birthday – The Journey So Far

SeedProd turned 1-year-old this month and it would have actually gone uncelebrated but I was looking back through some old…
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